Care Providers' Voice
As a representative of Social Care providers across Northeast London, CPV was set up by care providers for care providers, with the intention of having a community of support, a community of voices and to help enable providers to feel empowered to provide the best care possible with better access and understanding of the system we work in. CPV has three objectives:
- Representation: We want to build a community of providers to help co-produce services that has the resident at the forefront of the design, to remove inequality of access and to build up the systems understanding of social care, so the limited resources are used effectively.
- Resources: We want to create a one stop shop for information which can enable providers to access information in a way and time of their choosing. This information should pass two litmus test; will the information support managers or the care staff in their role will the information help improve the residents experience of health and social care.
- Recruitment: Recruitment is one of the biggest challenges in health and social care and we are committed to supporting providers to draw in the next generation of people into social care, advocating for diversity of experiences and backgrounds.