Natalie Grayson
National Care Organiser,
Natalie has always been active in organising work. Since 2009, she has been involved with the GMB Union, starting as a representative in her workplace, at 21 she found herself engaging in negotiations for Equal Pay, which formulated her focus and drive in engaging women to be leaders in their workplaces and communities to organise against systems which undervalue them.
Natalie has found that working alongside the care workforce and is proud to stand alongside care sector workers fighting for a change to the status quo. Through her development programme, GMB Union's National Care Committee has secured sick pay for 19,000 care sector workers, in less than six months.
Natalie firmly believes that collective bargaining is the way in which the UK can create a care sector which is fit for purpose.
Engagement across the board of workers, advocates of service users and good employers towards government will ensure that the care sector is funded and the social care workforce are valued for their skills, rewarded in pay and terms and conditions to the benefit of those they care for and a service we will all rely on which is fit for the future.