Rishi Jawaheer
Care Vision
Rishi Jawaheer is a visionary leader with over 15 years of directorial experience at the helm of the Jawa Group, a pioneering force in the field of dementia care. Born to immigrant parents who came to the UK from overseas in the 1970s, working as nursing managers in the NHS, dedicating their lives to healthcare in the UK.
During his directorship, Rishi has overseen many changes in the company, including the early adoption of sector-specific technology. Rishi’s role within the business is pivotal to the delivery of high-quality care. He is the pioneer behind Care Vision CMS, a cloud-based system that is revolutionising the care home sector across the globe.
Rishi is also the director of Namaste Care International, a specialised program that offers unparalleled support to individuals with advanced dementia. His tireless efforts to promote Namaste Care have earned him global recognition, making him a key influencer in the care sector worldwide.