Sadie Torres
Project Learning Coordinator,
Guided Innovation
Hi my name is Sadie Torres, I am 20 years old and I’ve already found my passion. I entered the care sector at 18 years old when I was still in full-time education, I instantly fell in love with a sector. The time came for me to pack up my bags and move to university in a new city to study sociology and criminology. While in my Uni room, I came across a picture of me holding up a cake for a residents birthday, I thought to myself I am at my happiest when I’m helping others. The next week I packed up my bags again and moved back home this time to step into social care not just as a job but a meaningful journey. 2 years down the line I work for an amazing company called Guided innovation. I help implement technology and deliver training on new systems to make life easier for staff in the care sector.