Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Letter D Daniel Casson Managing Director, Casson Consulting Daniel Jenkins Commercial Director, Wagada digital David Marshall Senior Improvement Adviser, Care Inspectorate Debbie Carroll Director & Author, Step Change Design Ltd. Deborah Sturdy Chief Nurse for Adults, Department of Health and Social Care Derek Breingan Head of Health & Social Care Sector, Virgin Money Diane Mayhew Rights for Residents Campaign Manager, Care Rights UK Dipesh Shah Head of Corporate Immigration, JMW Solicitors LLP Dominic Headley Director, Dominic Headley & Associates Dr Caroline Green Early Careers Research Fellow, Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford Dr Sarah Wadd Principal Research Fellow and Director of the Substance Misuse and Ageing Research Team (SMART), University of bedfordshire Dudley Sawyerr Chair, London Care and Support Forum